Understanding Air Source Heat Pump Efficiency: How to Maximize Your Savings

Air source heat pumps (ASHPs) are an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional heating systems. They work by extracting heat from the air outside and using it to heat your home. In this article, we will discuss air source heat pump efficiency, including how it is measured, factors that affect efficiency, and how to maximize your savings.

Measuring Air Source Heat Pump Efficiency

Air source heat pump efficiency is measured by the Coefficient of Performance (COP), which is the ratio of heat output to energy input. The COP indicates how efficiently the heat pump is converting energy into heat. For example, a COP of 4 means that for every unit of energy input, the heat pump is producing four units of heat output.

Factors that Affect Air Source Heat Pump Efficiency

Air source heat pumps work best when the outdoor air temperature is above 0°C. As the outdoor temperature drops, the heat pump needs to work harder to extract heat from the air, which reduces efficiency.

The level of insulation in your home can affect air source heat pump efficiency. If your home is poorly insulated, heat can escape through the walls, roof, and windows, which can reduce efficiency.

System Size
The size of your air source heat pump system can affect efficiency. A system that is too small for your home will have to work harder to heat your home, which can reduce efficiency. A system that is too large can be more expensive to operate and may cycle on and off more frequently, which can also reduce efficiency.

Regular maintenance is important for air source heat pump efficiency. A dirty or clogged air filter can reduce efficiency by restricting air flow. It is important to clean or replace the air filter regularly, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Maximizing Your Air Source Heat Pump Efficiency

Proper Sizing
To maximize air source heat pump efficiency, it is important to choose a system that is the right size for your home. A professional installer can assess your heating needs and recommend the appropriate size system.

Improving the insulation in your home can help maximize air source heat pump efficiency. This can include adding insulation to the walls, roof, and windows, as well as sealing any drafts or gaps.

Thermostat Settings
Setting the thermostat to a lower temperature can help maximize air source heat pump efficiency. The heat pump will have to work less hard to maintain a lower temperature, which can reduce energy consumption and save money on heating bills.

Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance is important for maximizing air source heat pump efficiency. This includes cleaning or replacing the air filter, checking and cleaning the outdoor unit, and scheduling annual maintenance with a professional installer.

Use Smart Controls
Using smart controls can help maximize air source heat pump efficiency. Smart controls can automatically adjust the temperature based on your schedule and preferences, ensuring that the heat pump is not working harder than necessary.


In conclusion, air source heat pump efficiency is an important consideration when choosing a heating system for your home. By understanding how efficiency is measured and the factors that affect efficiency, you can maximize your savings and reduce your carbon footprint. Proper sizing, insulation, thermostat settings, regular maintenance, and using smart controls are all important ways to maximize air source heat pump efficiency. If you’re considering installing a new heating system, an air source heat pump could be the perfect solution for your home.

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